UNC Greensboro

Greater Greensboro/High Point Food Resource List

Several partners across Guilford County have worked together to create a list of food resources for Greater Greensboro and Greater High Point. We share these Google Docs with you to help you find food and communicate with your communities. These lists will be updated regularly. If you see a resource … Continued

CES Event Recap

On October 3rd, 2018 at the Greensboro Project Space, the Institute for Community and Economic Engagement held their Community-Engaged Scholars Gathering. During this event, 45 community members (faculty, staff, and administrators) learned about current community engagement initiatives including the P2 Grant Program, Faculty Fellows Learning Communities, Collaboratory ®, and had … Continued

Collaboratory: Strengthening UNCG’s Community Engagement Profile

At the Community-Engaged Scholars Gathering held on October 3rd, 2018 at the Greensboro Project Space, the Institute for Community and Economic Engagement announced Collaboratory®! Collaboratory® is a publicly searchable, online database that shares an institutional story about who, what, where, with whom, and to what ends community-university partners are working … Continued

Fall Break Faculty Writing Retreat

Need to get some writing done over Fall Break? Join other faculty members at HQ Greensboro, a co-working space downtown, for some uninterrupted time to work. When: Monday-Tuesday of Fall Break, October 8-9, 9 AM-4 PM There are no structured plans or required schedule – just come when you can and plan to write. … Continued

2018 Civic Innovation Competition

The 2018 Civic Innovation Competition is open to all full-time UNCG & NCAT Students interested in developing innovative solutions for local government problems. Outlined on the competition website are 7 Problem Statements currently challenging Guilford County Government. Your task is to develop an innovative solution for one or more of … Continued

Tornado Relief Information

tornado damage image

In response to the April 15th tornado in Greensboro, there are many efforts being organized for volunteering and donating. The Office of Leadership and Service-Learning is keeping a running list of ways to volunteer and donate. Please consult their page to learn of current information. Photo: Tornado damage in Greensboro, … Continued

2017 Opportunity Greensboro Fellows Program

Fellows Program Logo

CALLING ALL LOCAL COLLEGE STUDENTS Application Deadline February 20, 2017 With an interest in better preparing college students with talent and leadership development opportunities, Opportunity Greensboro is excited for year two of the Opportunity Greensboro Fellows Program in 2017. For more information, here is a quick overview of the program: … Continued

Greensboro Open Data Program: Open Gate City

The City of Greensboro just launched Open Data Portal called “Open Gate City” at a public event from 6-8 pm on October 20 at HQ Greensboro, 111 W. Lewis St. The City’s open data effort is part of its work as a 2016 partner in the What Works Cities Initiative, … Continued