Research & Collaborations
The Institute advances community-engaged scholars by supporting strategic visioning, quality scholarship, and effective practices in community-campus partnerships for teaching, research, creative activities, and service. We welcome collaborators!
FEATURED Research Collaborations
Community-Higher Education Partnerships
Equitable, authentic, and flourishing relationships require intentionality, and community-higher education partnerships are no exception. ICEE produces scholarship exploring several aspects of community-higher education partnerships including explicating reciprocity, partnership identity and institutional partnerships, conflict, communication, and restorative practices. The publications below focus on these research areas.
Leading Community Engagement into the Future
To lead community engagement into the future, institutions must participate in research and activities that anchor community-engaged practices. At UNCG, we have been creating a culture of engaged work through defining community engagement, recognizing faculty talents, participating in strategic planning, tracking and measuring community engagement activity, attending to our institutional identity and image, and pushing toward the future for engaged scholarship. ICEE has been integral to this advancement both in practice and in scholarly contributions. Here we share our learning through our publications.
- Janke, E. M., Bulls, J., Demo, D., Hooper, C., & Rinker, J. (2020). A decade of building the School of Health and Human Sciences as a community-engaged school at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. eJournal of Public Affairs(8)3, 36-52.
- Janke, E. & Shelton, T. (2015). Mapping regional prosperity against faculty and curriculum development. In R. Dunfee and A., Vaidya (Eds). Operationalizing stewards of place: Implementing regional engagement and economic development strategies (pp. 33-54). Washington, D.C.: American Association of State Colleges and Universities.
- Janke. E. M. (2019). Next-generation scholars and scholarly communications. In L. R. Sandmann and D. O. Jones (Eds). Building the Field of Higher Education: Foundational Ideas and Future Directions. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
- Janke. E. M. (2019). Lessons learned by a reflective scholar administrator: From Practice to Theory and Theory to Practice. In Hatcher, J., Bringle, R., & Hahn, T. Research on Service Learning: Practical Wisdom for Conducting Research (Vol. 4). Sterling, VA: Stylus.
- Janke, E., Flores, S., & Edwards, K. (2022). Community-academic partnerships in the community engagement literature: A scoping review. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 26(2), 5-27.
- Janke, E., Medlin, K., & Holland, B. (2021, November 9). To What End? Ten Years of Collaboratory.
- Medlin, K., Norris, K., & Janke, E. (2021, July 22). Concept Paper: Re-Imagining Benchmarking as Stewards of Place: Identifying Peers in the Context of Communities.
- Janke. E. M. (2018). Reclassification: Outreach and Partnerships: Making the Juice Worth the Squeeze. In J. Saltmarsh and M. Johnson. (Ed.). The Elective Carnegie Community Engagement Classification: Constructing a Successful Application (For First-Time Applicants and Reclassification). Sterling, V.A.: Stylus.
- Janke, E. M., & Domagal-Goldman, J. M. (2016). Institutional characteristics and student civic outcomes. In J. Hatcher, R. Bringle and T. Hahn. (Eds.). Research on Student Civic Outcomes in Service Learning: Conceptual Frameworks and Methods. (Vol. 3). Sterling, V.A.: Stylus.
- Janke, E. M. & Medlin, K.B. (2015). A centralized strategy to collect comprehensive institution-wide data from faculty and staff about community engagement and public service. Metropolitan Journal(26)2, 125-146. DOI:
- Janke, E. M. (2014). “Rekindle and recapture the love”: Establishing system-wide indicators of progress in community engagement and economic Development. Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning, 21(1).–rekindle-and-recapture-the-love-establishing-system-wide?g=mjcslg;view=image;xc=1
- Hartlep, N., Lake, D., Purcell, J., Bush, A., Perry, L., Fleck, B., Kliewer, B., Janke, E., Markham, P., Orphan, C., & Saltmarsh, J. (2019). Toward an innovative civic engagement pedagogy. eJournal of Public Affairs(8)1. (link)
- Janke, E. M., (2018). Advocacy-based Research. In K. Wester and C. Watcher Morris (Eds.). Making Research Relevant: Applied Research Designs for the Mental Health Practitioner (Ch. 14). New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
- Rodriguez, D. X., & Janke, E. (2016). Same words different ideas: Why educators and students need to make explicit implicit notions of civic engagement. Citizenship, Teaching, and Learning Journal 11(2),175–190.
- Janke, E. M., & Medlin, K. B. (2017). Aligning Community and University Strengths and Priorities. Excellence in Community Engagement & Community-Engaged Scholarship. (Vol. 3), University of North Carolina at Greensboro: Institute for Community and Economic Engagement.
- Saltmarsh, J, Janke, E., & Clayton, P. (2015). Transforming higher education through and for democratic civic engagement: A model for change. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning(22)1, 122-127.
- Janke, E. M., Medlin, K. B, and Holland, B. A. (2014). Honoring the Mosaic of Talents and Stewarding the Standards of High Quality Community-Engaged Scholarship. Excellence in Community Engagement & Community-Engaged Scholarship. (Vol. 2), University of North Carolina at Greensboro: Institute for Community and Economic Engagement.
- Janke, E. M., & Clayton, P. H. (2012). Excellence in Community Engagement and Community-Engaged Scholarship: Advancing the Discourse at UNCG (Vol. 1). Greensboro, NC: University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
- Janke, E., Morrison, S., Brooks, D., Carlin, A., Dixon, C., Nichols, T., Parsons, A., Stamp, K., and Weaver, G. (January 26, 2021). Overview of Community Engagement and the Effect of COVID-19 as it Relates to Writing a COVID Context Statement. Institute for Community and Economic Engagement, University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
- Janke, E., Morrison, S., Brooks, D., Carlin, A., Dixon, C., Nichols, T., Parsons, A., Stamp, K., and Weaver, G (January 26, 2021). Writing Your COVID Context Statement: A Worksheet for Examining and Articulating the Effects of COVID-19 on Faculty Academic Work Roles. Institute for Community and Economic Engagement, University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
- Janke, E. & Shelton, T. (2011). Community engagement: Terms and definitions for promotion and tenure. University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Guidelines