Click the image to go to the Collaboratory. To learn more about the Collaboratory, click here.

Collaboratory® is a publicly searchable, online database that shares an institutional story about who, what, where, with whom, and to what ends community-university partners are working towards community-identified priorities for shared learning and mutual benefits.
UNCG faculty, staff, and students are committed to working collaboratively to address pressing issues in our communities. We do this by engaging communities via teaching, research, creative activities, and service. Indeed, it is our authentic engagement that attracts students, faculty, and staff to our university.

UNCG is dedicated to helping individuals tap into and contribute to local, national, and international conversations related to enacting high quality community engagement. In addition to the Collaboratory™, there are several listservs and blogs that focus on various scholarly and practical aspects of community engagement where you can share your work and see what others have shared.

UNCG – Listservs & Blogs for Community ENgagement

For Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Students

[email protected]

This listserv alerts faculty and staff of opportunities for internal and external professional development, grants, conferences, and calls for manuscripts or other scholarly products, as well as other on- and off-campus activities and resources for those teaching and coordinating service-learning. It is coordinated by the Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement.

To join: email [email protected] with the text, “please add me to the service-learning listserv for faculty and staff.”

For Community-Engaged Faculty, Community Partners and Friends of UNCG

This listserv provides current opportunities in community engagement related to funding, workshops/community, publications, and ICEE dates to remember. To join or submit information for distribution: Submit your email to [email protected].

For Undergraduate/Graduate Students

Provides students with information and updates from the Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement (OLCE). Every week you can expect to find a message from OLCE with details regarding service and leadership opportunities, and related UNCG and Greensboro community announcements about ways in which you can get involved. Stay connected to OLCE: Make sure to “like” OLCE-Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement on Facebook! Also, follow them on Twitter  and Instagram at UNCG_OLCE.

To join: Submit your email at the bottom of OLCE’s homepage:

To post: Email [email protected] with a blurb about the community service or leadership opportunity your organization would like to share to UNCG students.

North Carolina – Listservs & Blogs for Community ENgagement

NC Campus Engagement 

This monthly civic engagement blog is generated by NC Campus Engagement containing announcements and listings of upcoming events, grant and funding opportunities, job postings and new publications and resources. The blog contains information from institutions around North Carolina as well as updates and opportunities from state and national sources.
For the latest news from NC Campus Engagement: visit

NC TraCS Institute Listserv

The North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences (NC TraCS) Institute at UNC-CH is one of 60 medical research institutions working together as a national consortium to improve the way biomedical research is conducted across the country. The consortium, funded through the NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA), shares a common vision to reduce the time it takes for laboratory discoveries to become treatments for patients, and to engage communities in clinical research efforts. It also is fulfilling the critical need to train a new generation of clinical researchers.
To sign up: visit

NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL – Listservs & Blogs for Community ENgagement

HE-SL provides a forum for the discussion of issues concerning the higher education service-learning community. HE-SL Listserv discussions have evolved around curriculum requests, class assignments and the institutionalization of service-learning.

To join: subscribe at!forum/he-sl-listserv

Campus Compact provides links to additional listservs at:

A consortium of 88 colleges and universities, and their partners, IA emphasizes the possibilities of humanities, arts, and design in knowledge-generating initiatives. Such activity can span disciplines through collaborations with public health, environmental issues, community education, neighborhood development, and others. We also value the knowledge and creativity-generating components of partnerships among people whose everyday lives produce different kinds of expertise. So, the scholar in the library, the teacher in the classroom, the organizer in the community – each provides different expertise that together is greater than the sum of its parts.

To join: subscribe at

This listserv was established to continue the dialogue initiated by the Educational Conference Call Series on Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and Ethical Issues in Research. Participants are invited to pose questions and share information or resources related to ethical issues that arise in CBPR (Community-based Participatory Research) and challenges encountered in the process of research ethics review.

To join: subscribe at

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) is a nonprofit organization that promotes health through partnerships between communities and academic institutions. CCPH views health broadly as physical, mental, environmental, social and spiritual well-being and emphasize partnership approaches to health that focus on changing the conditions and environments in which people live, work and play. The Community-Engaged Scholarship listserv provides a venue for sharing information and resources concerning the academic review and reward system for health professional faculty involved in community-based participatory research, service learning and other forms of “community-engaged scholarship.

To join: subscribe at

The Graduate Student Network listserv provides a forum for the discussion of issues concerning graduate students of the service-learning and community engagement community. We encourage you to use it to communicate and share resources with other graduate students interested in research on community engagement, service-learning, and related topics. GradSN discussions can evolve around methodological approaches, best practices, dissertation and thesis writing, announcing fellowships, graduate assistantships, and professional positions, grants supporting graduate student research and professional development, publishing inquiries, curriculum requests, class assignments, the institutionalization of service-learning, and general advice and guidance for the field.

The GradSN listserv of IARSLCE is open to any graduate student who expresses interest in the field. Membership of the GradSN listserv is open to both members and non-members of IARSLCE in order to expand the network and increase access to resources, input, and feedback among graduate students in the field.

To join: subscribe at

If you would like your organization’s listserv or blog added, please contact us!

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