Community Engagement Strategic Seed Grants Partnership Retreat

Posted on May 09, 2017

LEAP group photo

Dr. Barbara Holland, ICEE Senior Scholar, hosted a partnership retreat with the community-engaged seed strategic seed grant teams on April 21, 2017 at HQ Greensboro. The teams explored five discussion areas:

  •  What are your goals and expectations for this project?
  • What questions, challenges, concerns, uncertainties about how we are going to operate?
  • What does sustainability and success look like — and to what end? What will be indicators that we achieved our goals?
  • What is your story? (Examining issues of credit and recognition, audiences for feedback, and alignment with goals and expectations)
  • How will you structure your communication plan?

In Fall 2016, proposals were solicited for seed grants to fund research and creative activity tied to the thematic areas of focus in the UNCG strategic plan.  This opportunity was designed to support faculty engagement in multidisciplinary endeavors that advance understanding of key factors related to and/or develop solutions to some of the major challenges associated with Health and Wellness, Vibrant Communities, or Global Connections. After a review process that included both peers, community members, and campus leadership, the following teams received the community-engaged research grants.

Duane Cyrus, Dance; Cerise Glenn, Communication Studies; & Erin Lawrimore, University Libraries
Comanche: Hero Complexities

Christine Murray, Counseling and Educational Development; Rick Bunch, Geography; & Xiaoli Gao, Mathematics
Identifying High-Risk and Underserved Neighborhoods for Interpersonal Violence and Abuse in Greensboro Using GIS and Big Data Analysis

Sandy Shultz, Kinesiology; Emily Janke, Peace and Conflict Studies; Lauren Haldeman, Nutrition; & Marianne LeGreco, Communication Studies
Lifetime Eating and Physical Activity Practices (LEAP) Forward: Common Goals and Common Measures

ICEE will continue to share updates about each group and their community-engaged research activity throughout the upcoming fall semester.

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