UNC Greensboro

Art: Triumphs of Survivors of Domestic / Sexual Violence

A new exhibition in the UNCG Multicultural Resource Center in the EUC displays art that was created by survivors of past intimate partner violence and sexual assault. The pieces were created through art workshops that were held this academic year at UNCG and in partnership with local domestic violence and … Continued

Register Now: Innovations in Domestic and Sexual Violence Conference

Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and Practice Conference Logo

Please be sure to mark your calendars and REGISTER for the upcoming 3rd Annual Innovations Conference.  At this year’s conference, you will have an opportunity to hear many innovative ideas related to how sexual assault and domestic violence researchers and practitioners can work together to effect change.  Attendees will also have … Continued

Murray Speaks to Fox 8 about New Family Justice Center

Dr. Christine Murray, a professor in UNCG’s Department of Counseling and Educational Development and co-founder of the “See the Triumph” campaign to empower domestic violence survivors, was interviewed by Fox 8 News about the new Guilford County Family Justice Center. The center is expected to open within six to nine months, housing law enforcement … Continued

Call for Proposals: Domestic and Sexual Violence Conference

Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and Practice Conference Logo

The 3rd Annual Innovations in Domestic and Sexual Violence Research and Practice Conference will be held March 5-6, 2015 at UNCG. The theme of the conference will be “Effecting Change through Evidence-Based Practice and Engaged Scholarship.” Goals of the conference: The purpose of the 3rd annual conference is to reduce … Continued