UNC Greensboro

Integrating Restorative Justice Practices in Sport-based Youth Development Programs

Y with sports balls

Dr. Michael Hemphill (Kinesiology) and Dr. Emily Janke (Peace and Conflict Studies, Institute for Community and Economic Engagement) are working collaboratively on a study that examines conflict resolution as a missing component of professional development programs offered to future and current coaches, physical education teachers, and others who engage youth … Continued

Speaker on Restorative Justice in New Zealand and the US: September 16

Haley Farrar Picture

HALEY FARRAR, J.D. Restorative Justice Practitioner, Trainer, & Researcher Friday, September 16, 2016 Creating a Restorative City 9:00 am – 10:15 am Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro Boardroom, 330 S. Greene Street Here are directions & a parking pass Haley will share her current work with the Whanguanui Restorative City … Continued