UNC Greensboro

New Short Film Festival April 27 at UNCG

Come to the lawn in front of UNCG’s Jackson Library, bring a chair or a blanket, have a few slices of pizza and enjoy the creativity of UNCG students. Twenty have submitted short films in a new film festival at UNCG – no film is longer than 7 minutes and … Continued

Sustainability Film + Discussion Series: “Growing Cities”

Thursday, March 19th, 2015, 6:30pm - 8:30pm, the Weatherspoon Art Museum will host a screening of "Growing Cities." Post-screening discussion led by Marianne LeGreco, UNCG Assistant Professor Communication Studies

Growing Cities is a documentary film that examines the role of urban farming in America and asks how much power it has to revitalize our cities and change the way we eat. In their search for answers, filmmakers Dan Susman and Andrew Monbouquette take a road trip and meet the men … Continued

Dance on Film, this Sunday

Enjoy a unique Dance for the Camera Festival featuring internationally submitted adjudicated works and a panel discussion with professional filmmakers.

Enjoy a unique Dance for the Camera Festival featuring internationally submitted adjudicated works and a panel discussion with professional filmmakers. It will be held Sunday, March 22, 2 p.m. at the UNCG Weatherspoon Art Museum. UNCG Associate Professor Robin Gee in collaboration with Sugarfoote Productions and the Department of Dance … Continued

Sustainability Film + Discussion Series Continues in 2015

thin ice movie photo

What began with a single screening of the 2006 film “An Inconvenient Truth,” has grown into an annual series featuring some of the most current documentaries about global climate change, sustainability, and environmental education. Over 4600 students, faculty, and community members have attended screenings and participated in discussions at WAM … Continued

Second Annual Greensboro Dance Film Festival

2nd Annual Greensboro Film Festival

Sugarfoote Productions and the UNCG Dance Department, with support from the Weatherspoon Art Gallery, are accepting submissions for the Second Annual Greensboro Dance Film Festival. Artists with dances for camera or dance media in any style or genre are encouraged to make a submission of completed work to be considered for … Continued