UNC Greensboro

3rd Annual Community-Engaged Scholar Gathering

Gathering photo

Institute of Community and Economic Engagement is hosting the 3rd annual Community-Engaged Scholars Gathering on September 26th from 3:00-5:00pm at Greensboro Project Space. The purpose of this event is to convene UNCG faculty, staff, and administrators who are enacting or supporting community-engaged work. This year we will be celebrating over … Continued

Fall Break Faculty Writing Retreat

Need to get some writing done over Fall Break? Join other faculty members at HQ Greensboro, a co-working space downtown, for some uninterrupted time to work. When: Monday-Tuesday of Fall Break, October 8-9, 9 AM-4 PM There are no structured plans or required schedule – just come when you can and plan to write. … Continued

ICEE Seeking Faculty Fellows to Convene Learning Communities


ICEE is seeking Faculty Fellows to convene and facilitate learning communities around various topics related to community-engaged scholarship. Potential topics include community-engaged writing, defining impact, communicating to diverse audiences, and more! We invite YOUR ideas! Faculty Fellows will receive $500 to lead a learning community for the 2017-18AY and other … Continued

Autumn Meet & Greet: Creating Connections hosted by OLSL at UNCG

Meet & Greet Flyer click link in announcement to view larger.

The Office of Leadership and Service-Learning cordially invites you to our 2016 Autumn Meet & Greet entitled Creating Connections. Creating Connections is an event for UNCG faculty and staff and community partners to meet, mingle, and make connections. This year’s Autumn meet and greet is apart of ReFrame, a series … Continued

Connecting To and Documenting Community-Engaged Scholarship at UNCG


UNCG supports community-engaged teaching, research, and service. This brown bag will provide a brief overview of community engagement at UNCG. We will focus on best practices for identifying collaborators within the community, how to get the word out about your community engagement, and how to plan for documenting your community … Continued