UNC Greensboro

Community Impact and Outcomes Award

Congratulations to Sharon Morrison, Sudha Shreeniwas, Andrew Young and the Montagnard Dega Association/Montagnard American Organization for work on the Montagnard/Southeast Asian Community Disparities Research Network which received the inaugural Community Impact and Outcomes Award given by the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. This award recognizes service-learning and research carried out … Continued

Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning Special Issue

Centering Social Justice in the Scholarship of Community Engagement The Winter 2021 issue of the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL) will be a joint issue with the National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID), University of Michigan. As the publisher of MJCSL, the Ginsberg Center is partnering with NCID … Continued

Emergent Futures: State of the Field

Join Open Engagement September 13th-15th for three days of exchanges and social research. Spend the day at Duke University on Saturday, September 14th by taking part in workshops, screenings, dance, and more surrounding socially engaged work. Transportation will be provided from the Weatherspoon Art Museum to Duke’s campus.  The following … Continued

3rd Annual Community-Engaged Scholar Gathering

Gathering photo

Institute of Community and Economic Engagement is hosting the 3rd annual Community-Engaged Scholars Gathering on September 26th from 3:00-5:00pm at Greensboro Project Space. The purpose of this event is to convene UNCG faculty, staff, and administrators who are enacting or supporting community-engaged work. This year we will be celebrating over … Continued

Dr. Laura Gonzalez Selected as Engaged Faculty Scholar

On July 1, North Carolina Campus Compact announced the selection of the 2019-20 Engaged Faculty Scholars (EFS): Dr. Laura Gonzalez, Associate Professor of Education in the Higher Education program of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) and Dr.  Scott Hicks, Director of Teaching & Learning Center and Professor … Continued

UNC Greensboro Awarded Mellon Foundation Grant

UNC Greensboro has been selected to participate in the Partnerships for Listening and Action by Communities and Educators (PLACE) Collaboratory, a highly selective community-based humanities and civic engagement initiative. UNCG is one of 5 Greensboro institutions and just 11 institutions nationwide to participate in the initiative, which is part of … Continued

Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement

Partnerships is a Community Engaged journal run out of UNC Greensboro and NC Campus Compact. The fall 2018 issue of Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement marks the conclusion of a decade, in publishing articles that recognize successful engaged learning depends on effective partnerships. Therefore, it is befitting that … Continued

CES Event Recap

On October 3rd, 2018 at the Greensboro Project Space, the Institute for Community and Economic Engagement held their Community-Engaged Scholars Gathering. During this event, 45 community members (faculty, staff, and administrators) learned about current community engagement initiatives including the P2 Grant Program, Faculty Fellows Learning Communities, Collaboratory ®, and had … Continued