Student Civic Engagement Awards Announced

Posted on September 02, 2014

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North Carolina Campus Compact provides several opportunities to recognize your outstanding students who are engaged in civic /community engagement efforts.


The Community Impact Student Award
Nomination Deadline – October 3rd

Each NC Campus Compact member institution can select one student who exhibits outstanding leadership and innovative approaches in their community service or service-learning endeavors on their campus and within their community. Each campus can determine their own process for selecting their awardee.

Learn more here.


The John H. Barnhill Civic Trailblazer Award
Nomination Deadline – October 3rd

This award recognizes one student who demonstrates innovation in civic engagement, creating foundations that expand partnerships amongst communities, campuses, and individuals. The award is named in honor of John Barnhill, NC Campus Compact founding Executive Director.

  • Open to students at all NC Campus Compact member institutions in their final year
  • Can be current nominees or former winners of the Community Impact Student Award

Learn more here.


Both the Community Impact Student Award and the John H. Barnill Civic Trailblazer Award will be presented on November 8, 2014 during the CSNAP Student Conference in Raleigh.  We are also currently accepting workshop proposals for CSNAP and registration is open. Learn more here.


The William Jefferson Clinton Hunger Leadership Award 
Nomination Deadline – November 2nd
(More Information

This cash award, which will be presented during the 2015 Universities Fighting World Hunger Summit at the University of Guelph on February 20-22, 2015 recognizes outstanding students who have demonstrated leadership in areas related to food insecurity, malnutrition, and poverty and who are committed to a life of service in one of these areas or a related discipline.

This award is given annually  by Stop Hunger Now and the North Carolina State University Center for Student Leadership, and Ethics and Public Service.  For more information, students can visit or contact Jan Rivero at or Amanda Itliong at


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