Service-Learning Faculty: Hire A Student Reflection Leader!

Posted on April 13, 2015

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The application is now open for 2015-16 Student Reflection Leaders, hosted by the Office of Leadership and Service-Learning. Faculty can request a Student Reflection Leader (SRL) through the OLSL to help facilitate the reflection portion of a service-learning course. SRLs are trained and paid by the OLSL. Both the faculty and the student must apply to be a part of the SRL program.

If you would like to have a student reflection leader in your Fall 2015 course, please fill out and return this application by May 15th, 2015: StudentReflectionLeaders-Application2015

Please note that faculty should identify the student they wish to serve as a Student Reflection Leader for their course and share the corresponding portion of the application with them. 


SRL Qualifications

  • Interest in service-learning and civic engagement
  • Interest in developing strategies to enhance learning through reflection
  • Successful completion of a service-learning class (preferred)
  • Minimum GPA of 2.50
  • Willingness and ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and community partners
  • Enthusiasm for UNCG and our university’s vision of learning, discovery, and service

Duties and Responsibilities of SRLs

  • with OLSL
    • Attend and participate in SRL Orientation Meeting (date will be e-mailed upon acceptance)
    • Attend and participate in three (3) monthly OLSL training sessions and one de-briefing session at the end of the semester (4 meetings total)
    • Provide copy of Instructor/SRL agreement to Assistant Director for Service-Learning by August 30th
    • Facilitate end of semester service-learning student course surveys for OLSL
    • Participate in an evaluation of the SRL program
  • with Instructor/Class*
    • Attend class meetings and service events
    • Guide critical reflection activities that enhance students’ curricular learning through service
    • Support students in their service to community partners

*  Details should be outlined in the Instructor/SRL Agreement. SRLs are expected to work an average of 2-3 hours a week, not to exceed 40 hours total. Students cannot average more than 29 hours per week total for all campus jobs.

Responsibilities of Instructor

Collaboration: The faculty member is expected to work with the SRL to establish times and responsibility for leading critical reflection as part of the regular course work. These should be outlined in the Instructor/SRL Agreement.

Integration: The faculty member is expected to integrate the SRL as a peer leader into the course before, during and after students’ engagement in service. This includes explicit support of the SRL to work with students enrolled in the course.

Evaluation: The faculty member will provide useful feedback to the SRL to improve her/his effectiveness in guiding critical reflection and assisting students in their service.

SRL Compensation

$350.00 stipend (for a 3 credit course, $275 for a 2 credit course, $200 for a 1 credit course) payable to the SRL at the end of the semester upon completion of duties and responsibilities. (Student should contact OLSL prior to starting their position to confirm how among various options if the stipend might be distributed. We work hard to assure there are no conflicts with student financial aid and other issues.)

Benefits to Students

This program is intended to provide students with the opportunity to develop their competency as leaders and educators among their peers through academic service-learning. Through the workshops provided by OLSL, students will

  • learn how to facilitate written and oral reflections
  • gain leadership skills, particularly in working with peers and collaborating with faculty and community members
  • talk with fellow SRLs about experiences and challenges
  • have the opportunity to work closely with a faculty member to develop learning activities
  • explore personal and professional interests in teaching, leadership, service-learning and community engagement!
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