The Triad Teacher Researchers (TTR) is a network of teachers dedicated to thoughtful teaching and learning. The Network began as a group of four teachers who were looking for a supportive network of teacher researchers in the Triad area with the goal of impacting teacher and student learning through research. The Network hopes to increase dialogue in central North Carolina about teacher research, create a community of supportive, passionate teachers, and to contribute to the professional body of knowledge about teaching and learning.
This conference is for ALL educators at ALL levels. Please encourage your undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students to submit, along with community members. If you have questions or special needs, please email Amy Vetter at [email protected].
The TTR is accepting proposals for their 2015 conference until February 20, 2015 at midnight. Click here to complete an online proposal.
The Triad Teacher Researcher Conference will be held Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 from 6:00pm – 9:00pm in the School of Education Building at UNCG.