Opportunities to Partner with UNC Greensboro

Posted on July 15, 2019

Featured Image for Opportunities to Partner with UNC Greensboro

The Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement has several  opportunities for partnership with UNCG for this upcoming academic year.

Host A Service Project for Spartan Service Day
Saturday, August 24th, 10am-1pm

Could your organization use a group of volunteers? Register your project with us for Spartan Service Day. Each year students participate in this Welcome Week event by serving in the Greensboro community. Students will be dropped off at your site at 10am and depart at 1pm. Examples of previous projects include sorting donations, decorating and prepping classrooms, painting rooms at community centers, working in community gardens, packing food bags, assisting with children’s activities, trail maintenance and more! We’re always excited to hear new ideas or brainstorm with you.

Attend the Annual Volunteer and Service Learning Fair
Wednesday, September 4th, 11am-2pm, Elliott University Center

You are invited to participate in UNCG’s annual Volunteer & Service Learning Fair. This year the fair will take place on Wednesday, September 4th from 11am-2pm. Come connect with students, staff, and faculty to highlight the varied service opportunities available through your organization. Over 475 students attended last year’s fair, don’t miss this opportunity! Parking, shuttles to the building, tables, chairs, and light refreshments are provided at no charge for participating organizations.

Partner with us for a Gold Leadership Project
The Leadership Challenge Program is an university-wide commitment to offer all UNCG students leadership education, training, and development. The most advanced level of our Leadership Challenge Program, Gold, requires students to complete (60) hours through a community-based project. We work with community partners to identify a need or goal they would like to meet and a small group of Gold Level students work as a team to develop a plan for “how” to meet that need or goal. We would love to collaborate with your agency and work with you in order to address an initiative or project that furthers your mission and work. Interested organizations must fill out this form. If you’d like more detailed information about Gold, please review this info sheet. If you have any questions, please contact Lindsey Woelker at (336) 256-1484 or [email protected].

For more information regarding the Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement partnership opportunities, contact:

Kristina Gage

Associate Director for Civic Engagement

Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement

EUC 217 – 336.256.1406 – http://olce.uncg.edu/

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