The Office of Leadership and Service-Learning is pleased to announce a new Faculty Fellow program for 2013-14. The Service-Learning Faculty Fellow program promotes faculty development and the scholarship of engagement by integrating community outreach with teaching, scholarship, and service. The one-year program is designed to increase the quantity and quality of service-learning courses, develop faculty leadership, and promote advocacy for service-learning and community-engaged academic learning. Additionally, the Faculty Fellow will work with OLSL to advance institutional change to increase understanding of and reward for service-learning and community service as meaningful professional work.
Benefits include $1,750 in add-pay per semester and up to $1,500 to present at a national conference related to the Fellow’s community engaged work.
To view the full RFP (including responsibilities, time commitments, and benefits), click here.
For more information, please contact Dr. Kristin Moretto, Assistant Director for Service-Learning at [email protected], or visit