Middle school students to attend Greensboro-UNCG game

Posted on December 09, 2014

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UNCG Athletics will welcome in over 2,500 middle school students to Wednesday’s game against Greensboro College at 11:30am at the Greensboro Coliseum.


GREENSBORO – The Greensboro College-UNCG men’s basketball game on Wednesday will be part of the second annual Guilford County Schools Education Day and will include about 2,500 middle school students in attendance.

Tipoff is at 11:30 a.m. at the Coliseum.

The students will be from 14 schools. The event is designed to enhance the education experience by using athletics to learn about curriculum being taught in the classroom. An education fair at the Greensboro Coliseum featuring UNCG campus departments will precede the game.

The GCS Education Day is another step in building the relationship with the school system and UNCG athletics. The Spartans are also adopting four middle schools this year to partner with and selected student-athletes visit each school monthly.

For the past three years, UNCG athletics and GCS have partnered on the school district’s literacy initiative, which rewards elementary and middle school students who read a required number of minutes with tickets to a men’s basketball game.

Reposted from the Greensboro News & Record
Photo courtesy of  Carlos Morales

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