Learn About the Newly Launched SLCE Future Directions Project

Posted on November 17, 2015

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The Service-Learning & Community Engagement (SLCE) Future Directions Project “…is intended to catalyze, facilitate, organize, and analyze international conversations in a way that positions everyone involved as a co-educator, co-learner, and co-generator of new questions and new knowledge. It is intended to stimulate and assemble ideas from new and established voices, from champions and critical friends, throughout and beyond the SLCE community as well as to enrich dialogue about the future and inform current and future practice and policy. Our primary objective is to form an inclusive learning community to support, inform, sustain, and excite our colleagues and ourselves in thinking creatively and collaboratively about the future of SLCE” (Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, Fall 2015).

The SLCE Future Directions Project has featured essays in the Fall 2015 Special Section of the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, Volume 22, Number 1. There are a few UNCG faculty, community partners, and students who have contributed to the special section. Check out the following articles from UNCG folks:

  • “Democratic relationships in service-learning: Moving beyond traditional faculty, student, and community partner roles” by Travis Hicks (Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Architecture; Director, Center for Community-Engaged Design), Liz Seymour (Greensboro community organizer and activist), and Allison Puppo (student, Department of Interior Architecture).
  • “Transforming higher education through and for democratic civic engagement: A model for change” by John Saltmarsh, Emily M. Janke (Associate Professor, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies; Director, Institute of Community and Economic Engagement); and Patti H. Clayton (Senior scholar, Institute of Community and Economic Engagement)

More information on the SLCE Future Directions Project can be found here

A full Table of Contents for the upcoming Volume 22, Number 1 (Fall 2015) Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning can be found here


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