The Jerry McGuire Student Entrepreneur Award is an annual $1,000 award going to UNCG’s most entrepreneurial student or student team. This fund was established in honor of Jerry’s retirement in 2014. The 2015 recipient will be announced at UNCG Entrepreneur Day on March 31, 2015.
Nominations are due by March 1st, 2015.
Jerry McGuire has over 30 years of experience in technology commercialization with both industrial and university technologies. He established UNCG’s Office of Technology Transfer in April , 2002 and served as its first director. Under his leadership, this operation has dramatically increased commercialization activities on-going research and innovation at UNCG . He was promoted to Associate Vice Chancellor for Economic Development in 2009.
The Jerry McGuire Student Entrepreneur Award will be administered as an endowed fund under the following guidelines:
An award will be made annually to a student (or student team) who has exhibited exceptional entrepreneurial Recipients will be selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Director of the NC Entrepreneurship Center including, but not limited to, UNCG faculty and staff, alumni, business owners, and/or others knowledgeable about entrepreneurship.
- Students may self-nominate or be nominated by others. Nominees may be any full-time undergraduate or graduate students enrolled at UNCG graduating no sooner than the semester in which the award is made and may include students who have started businesses, social entrepreneurship ventures, on-campus programming, new clubs and organizations, as well as community service. Individual students or teams of students may be nominated. In the event the winner is a team, the scholarship will be divided equally among team members.
Reposted from the North Carolina Entrepreneurship Center