Are you planning to submit a conference proposal to IARSLCE, ESC, or Imagining America? Would you like some feedback as you polish your submissions for these upcoming deadlines? If so, please join us for a professional development virtual workshop sponsored by the IARSLCE Graduate Student Network! You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your ideas, ask questions, and get some tips and tricks from experienced conference presenters. We recommend reading the call for proposals prior to this workshop. You can also learn about more ways to get involved with the IARSLCE Graduate Student Network by participating. Here are the details:
Date: Thursday, March 9, 2017
Time: 12:30 p.m. EST
Location:Join by computer, tablet, or smartphone: or by calling +1 (571) 317-3112 Access Code: 453-188-653
RSVP: By emailing Lori Kniffin, [email protected]
Please join us!
-The IARSLCE Graduate Student Network Steering Committee
Reposted from the IARSLCE Graduate Student Network