Are you a UNCG graduate student interested in learning more about community-engaged approaches to scholarship and practice? These two opportunities are available to you!
Dr. Edna Tan, Teacher Education and Higher Education, is teaching a Fall 2017 course- TED 770-01: Community Engaged Scholarship and Practice. The course will draw from a range of research articles, case studies, and book chapters spanning content areas in education, health and human services, and urban space. Students will also have opportunities to visit community settings (Boys and Girls club of Greensboro, Refugee Community Center) and experience the possibilities and tensions inherent in community-engaged scholarship. Explore the questions:
- What does it mean to engage in research WITH community and not ON community?
- How do we cultivate relationships and learn to honor everyday lived experiences?
- What kinds of research methodologies support authentic and robust community-engaged scholarship and practice?
- How do we locate ourselves as researchers, university members, and community members in the research process?
For questions about this course, contact Dr. Tan at [email protected].
Secondly, consider joining the Community Engagement Graduate Student Network!
Sponsored by the Institute for Community and Economic Engagement (ICEE) and the Office of Leadership and Service-Learning (OLSL), the Community Engagement GradSN is an informal, interdisciplinary group of graduate students interested in the practice and scholarship of service-learning and community engagement as it relates to their current work and future goals. The network leverages the vast resources available at UNCG around community-engaged scholarship. To join the UNCG Community Engagement Graduate Student Network, please contact Lori Kniffin, [email protected].