Call for UNCG Student Community & Civic Engagement Fellows

Posted on September 19, 2014

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The Civic Engagement Fellows (CEFs) are student volunteer leaders based out of the Office of Leadership and Service-Learning. CEFs are dedicated to bringing community service, issue awareness and advocacy opportunities to the UNCG campus. Fellows may propose their own project within the application or may apply to lead a standing project. Depending on their nature, projects may be led individually or by a team of two students. Fellows serve for a full year (fall – spring). At the end of the spring semester, non-standing projects are evaluated and may become standing projects based upon sustainability, campus interest and potential for continued development.

Community & Civic Engagement Fellows serve as a team of students dedicated to bringing community service, issue awareness, and advocacy opportunities to their UNCG peers. Fellows are selected through an application process and commit to serving one year (fall and spring) on their project.

Community & Civic Engagement Fellow benefits:

  • Opportunity to develop your leadership within an area of personal interest and passion.
  • Gain communication and project planning experience.
  • Participate in relevant trainings and attend conferences as OLSL funding and CEF schedule permits.
  • Receive an hourly wage for project planning, implementation and evaluation throughout the year.
  • Eligible to apply for the Phillips-McCracken Service and Leadership Fund Scholarship of $1000 in the spring semester (must meet additional requirements).
  • Receive OLSL gear (hoodie, polo, t-shirt) that identifies you as an OLSL student leader.
  • Meet new people, hone transferable skills for future employment, learn and serve with community, and have fun!

Community & Civic Engagement Fellow responsibilities:

  • Lead or co-lead your project responsibly; as an OLSL student leader you are a university representative.
  • Attend biweekly CEF meetings (trainings, reflections, etc.) as scheduled.
  • Assist with two OLSL signature events (Spartan Service Day, Volunteer Fair, Make a Difference Day, MLK Day of Service, Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week, and Empty Bowls).
  • Promote community service on campus through OLSL tabling and presentations.
  • Do your best to ensure that all participants in your project have a positive, meaningful experience! Assist OLSL in recognizing the accomplishments of any volunteers involved in your project.
  • Meet regularly with OLSL staff (1:1) to discuss project progress, needs, etc.
  • Plan and coordinate any logistical details that may be required by your project, including marketing and volunteer recruitment (training will be held to assist in these areas).
  • Complete any written program evaluations/reflections from OLSL.
  • Represent OLSL at various institutional/community events as your schedule permits.

Applications due October 1st!

Download the Application: CEF_application_2014

For more information, visit

Reposted from the UNCG Office of Leadership & Service-Learning

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