Call for Proposals – NC Campus Compact Student Conference

Posted on August 27, 2014


North Carolina Campus Compact (NCCC) seeks workshop proposals for the 2014 CSNAP (Citizenship, Service, Networking and Partnerships) conference on November 8th at NC State University in Raleigh, NC. CSNAP is the largest annual conference in the Southeast developing college students to be effective leaders and participants in civic/community engagement.  The 2014 theme is “Raise Your Voice and Take Action.”

NCCC seeks student, faculty, and staff proposals for workshops with the following outcomes:

  1.  Develop leadership skills of students to manage campus-community civic engagement programs.
  2. Provide models of civic/community engagement projects or programs. We are especially interested in models that are unique, innovative, sustainable, and replicable.
  3. Demonstrate the effective use of the arts and/or social media to draw attention to/give voice to social issues.
  4. NEW THIS YEAR – Priority will be given to workshops that help students understand how to be effective activists, advocates, and policymakers on the front line of social change.


Proposals are due October 3rd, 2014

Click here for the online proposal form.

Click here to download a sample of the proposal form for review purposes only.


Register To Attend CSNAP!

Registration Deadline: October 13th The 2014 CSNAP marks the 21st anniversary of this event. Now more than ever, young leaders are necessary to address the pressing issues facing our nation and world.  The theme this year reflects the critical need for thoughtful voices to bring attention to the challenges but also the need for strategic action to address them. Participants will be introduced to the issues underlying the need for service and to best practices that build their understanding of how to engage, while networking with other students who are leading community engagement work on their campuses. Friday night includes a group service project, dinner, and reflection. Saturday includes plenary sessions and workshops. The keynote speaker is Jason Lee, Executive Director of the Jubilee Project.

Learn more here.


This is a wonderful professional development opportunity for civically engaged student leaders.  Please spread the word!


*Reposted from North Carolina Campus Compact

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