The Service-Learning and Experiential Education SIG of the American Educational Research Association announces a Call for Chapters and Reviewers for the 2017 volume of the Advances in Service-Learning Research Series
To view past volumes in the series—a series that gathers current research on service-learning visit
The 2017 volume’s working title is Service-Learning to Advance Access & Success: Bridging Institutional and Community Capacity
Edited by Travis T. York, Alan S. Tinkler, & Barri E. Tinkler
Series Editor: Virginia M. Jagla
We seek submissions to advance our understanding and knowledge of service-learning and its ability to advance access and success. In particular we seek submissions that explore how institutional and community capacity might be mutually supported, or bridged, in these efforts. In addition to theoretical papers, we desire submissions that employ methodological rigor. All papers should employ deep critical thinking and analysis.
We ask authors to consider the following questions regarding capacity building: (1) Does service-learning provide an opportunity for synergy between the core functions of a university and the community? (2) How might service-learning redistribute power between community and institutional agents? (3) Are there lessons to be learned from successes or failures in service-learning to enable institutions to build community capacity in better ways? For more information regarding these concepts, we encourage authors to consider Fourie’s (2003) Beyond the ivory tower: Service learning for sustainable community development.[1] To advance this conversation, we seek submissions from secondary and post-secondary contexts that explore and evidence how academic service-learning may, or may not, advance access and success for students as well as community members. In particular, we ask authors to consider how service-learning might support the cultivation of institutional and community capacity.
Submission Guidelines: Manuscripts should be single-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point, 15-30 pages, including references, and must follow APA Guidelines(6th edition). A separate cover page will include the author’s name, professional title, institutional affiliation, and all contact information (phone, mailing address, email). Do not insert headers or footers into the manuscript. Number pages in the upper right hand corner. Tables and figures must be placed at the rear of the manuscript with notations where they should be placed in the body of the manuscript. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically as Word documents to Travis York [email protected].
Deadlines: Intent to submit a manuscript, including a working title and 100-150 word abstract, should be sent to Travis York at [email protected] by March 1,2017, midnight (EST). Complete manuscripts are due by June 1, 2017, midnight (EST). All manuscripts will be submitted to the volume’s editorial review board and undergo blind review.
Prospective Reviewers: We welcome an email from interested reviewers for the 2017volume! Please submit an email to Travis York at [email protected] noting (1) your areas of methodological experience; and (2), your areas of research expertise (especially related to service-learning) and attach a current CV. Reviewers should expect to review blinded submissions during the month of June.
Reposted from the HE-SL listserv.