Call for Abstracts: Breastfeeding and Feminism Conference

Posted on September 12, 2014


10th Annual Breastfeeding and Feminism International Conference
Breastfeeding, Social Justice and Equity: Reflecting, Reclaiming, Re-visioning
March 19-20, 2015
Chapel Hill, NC
CERPs with registration, CEUs for a small fee

The Breastfeeding and Feminism International Conference (BFIC) is the only breastfeeding conference that focuses on the sociocultural, economic, health and political impacts on, and of, women’s infant feeding decisions. The BFIC brings together the top researchers with the on-the-ground practitioners in policy, programs, advocacy, and communication.

The Center for Women’s Health and Wellness at UNCG and the Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute at UNC Chapel Hill invite you to Submit an Abstract for presentations, discussions, and posters that focus on but are not limited to the following topics:

Feminism, gender and sexuality

  • Structural/interpersonal violence and breastfeeding
  • Valuing women’s perspectives and realities
  • Women’s reproductive and productive roles
  • The context of infant feeding, choice and guilt
  • The challenges and tensions of engaging men

Biosocial, evolutionary perspectives

  • The scarcity of human milk
  • Biological/social construction of “lactation failure”
  • Government, legislation, policy and practice
  • Governmental policy (ACA, Medicaid, WIC)
  • Maternity protection
  • Workplace and social environments
  • Child care

Use of human milk

  • Pumping
  • Milk sharing
  • Donor milk banks

Health systems, care and perspectives

  • The Affordable Care Act and Breastfeeding
  • Family planning/contraception
  • Maternity care/birth/reproductive health
  • Preconception health / reproductive life planning
  • Challenges to medicalization and medical authority
  • Emergency feeding situations
  • Equity in access to care

Commercial and Social marketing

  • Infant formula
  • Breastfeeding
  • Community mobilization
  • Advancing social value of breastfeeding

Social justice and equity

  • Women’s and mother’s rights and advocacy
  • Social and reproductive justice
  • Reaching vulnerable populations

The submission should include:

  1. Your name, affiliation, contact information including email and phone number;
  2. An indication of which topic heading your paper addresses;
  3. An abstract, 300-500 words
  4. An indication of whether you have a preference for a 15-minute paper presentation as part of a panel, a 30-minute discussion, or a poster presentation.

If your abstract is accepted, it will be your obligation to attend the meeting, register early for discount, and cover your logistics. We will also be asking you to submit a 1500 summary with references suitable for publication in our conference proceedings.

Send your abstracts as a word document, attached to an email to [email protected] with the subject line: “BFF Conference”

Abstract Deadline: October 20, 2014

For information on this and previous conferences, please visit:

For further information, please contact Dr. Paige Hall Smith at [email protected] or Miriam Labbok at: [email protected] 

Reposted from the UNCG Center for Women’s Health and Wellness

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