2017-2018 Student Research Fellow Application

Posted on May 03, 2017

The Institute for Community and Economic Engagement (ICEE) at is now accepting applications for 2017-2018 Student Research Fellows. ICEE will accept up to three students (undergraduate or graduate) each semester and applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Students will earn 3 credit hours independent study. The application process can be found in the program description.

2017-2018 Research Focus

This year, Student Research Fellows will have the opportunity to join a research team that is focused on improving health outcomes in Guilford County. Specifically, we are looking at how faculty, staff, and students at UNCG can support and engage with members of the greater Guilford Community to identify county-wide goals and success indicators for healthy eating and physical activity.

Students will join an interdisciplinary group of UNCG faculty (CST, KIN, NTR, PCS) who are working with a wide swath of Guilford County community groups (e.g., Cone Health, Guilford County Health Dept., Parks and Recreation, the public school system) to collaboratively identify current and future goals and measures for healthy eating and physical activity in Guilford County. This project is currently called, Lifetime Eating and Physical Activity Practices (LEAP): Common Goals & Common Measures and is an UNCG strategic seed grant supported by the Provost’s office.

Student Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to advance their own learning and development goals, and support the research team through a variety of activities, which may include:

  • Develop literature and knowledge reviews about: community-university collective impact approaches; consensus and participatory decision-making processes and skills; information and data systems to support community-wide indicators and dashboards, collective community approaches to enhancing healthy eating and physical activities among youth, birth-moms, and college students.
  • Develop research skills related to community-engaged approaches
  • Develop facilitation skills related to supporting group decision-making processes

* Students engaged in Spring 2018 may support the development of a large-scale, community-wide event.


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