2014-15 Conference Roundup

Posted on August 20, 2014

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A variety of conferences coming up during the 2014-15 academic year will offer opportunities for students, staff, faculty, and community colleagues to attend and present on community-engaged research, teaching, and scholarship.* If you are interested in attending or presenting at any of these, please let us know! Contact Kristin Medlin, Communications and Partnerships Manager, at [email protected] or 336.334.4661.


Place Matters: Partnerships Between Institutions of Higher Education and their Local Communities
September 12, 2014  ::  Reading, PA
To celebrate the opening of its new Center for Civic and Global Engagement, Albright College, in partnership with PA Campus Compact, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of University Partnerships, and the Federal Reserve Bank will be hosting a conference to explore how colleges and universities can work with local partners to positively impact the quality of their communities and provide transformative learning opportunities for their students. This one-day conference will include a keynote speaker, panel discussion, workshops, opster session, and networking. Please plan to join participants representing higher education, government, NGO’s, and economic development entities.


North Carolina Campuses Against Hunger Conference
September 26-27, 2014 :: Boone, NC
“Hunger and…”
This conference will examine the factors that contribute to food insecurity, as well as factors that might alleviate and contribute to solving problems of hunger.  So, keynote addresses, activities, and breakout sessions will address issues such as the relationship of hunger to issues of public education, hunger and government policy, hunger and family, hunger and (fill in the blank). We ask every campus attending to bring a team consisting of administrators, faculty, students and community partners.  Ideally, teams would consist of 5-8 people engaged with hunger issues from your campus.  Your local director of service-learning, civic engagement, or community relations would be good members of your team, as well as students, faculty, and staff interested in these issues.


Annual International Research Conference on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) Conference
September 29 – October 1, 2014 :: New Orleans, LA
“Reaping What we Sow: Growing a Culture of Community Engagement”
For more than a decade, IARSLCE has supported the process of discovery by assembling scholars, practitioners, funders, and students to share and discuss their research related to service-learning and community engagement. The reinvogoration of this process of discovery calls for us to renew the building blocks for future research and guidance for the implementation of programs today.


2014 Campus Compact Heartland Conference
October 2-3, 2014  ::  Lincoln, NE
This conference will bring together individuals from across the nation to explore different perspectives on service-learning and civic engagement alongside colleagues from Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Oklahoma. This conference will provide an opportunity for engagement professionals and community partners to share program models, best practices, and network with one another.


2014 CUMU (Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities) Conference
October 5-7, 2014  ::  Syracuse, NY
“Universities as Anchor Institutions: Driving Change”
The conference will highlight exemplary university/community partnerships that are transforming communities in areas such as education, health, and economic and community development. This conference will offer prominent keynote speakers and insights into best practices for university/community partnerships. It also will allow Syracuse University to showcase some of its nationally acclaimed partnerships.


15th Annual Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference
October 7-8, 2014  ::  Edmonton, Alberta
“Engaging for Change: Changing for Engagement”
Universities throughout the world are re-examining their mandates and their ways of achieving them. For some, this means renewing or reinvigorating their covenant to serve the public good by engaging in new ways with their students and communities. The 15th Annual Conference of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium will bring together academics and community members to explore, discuss, debate, and demonstrate why and how both universities and communities are changing. These conversations will be provocative and intense, calling on us to engage our whole selves in an examination of our motives, our rhetoric, and the impacts we are actually having. We will ask ourselves hard questions about what works and what doesn’t and what changes we are prepared to make to be more effective. We will think deeply about the theories of change that underlie our efforts and how we are engaging with the change we are experiencing ourselves.


Annual Conference on Citizenship
October 10, 2014  ::  Washington, DC
The goal of this event is to broadly inspire active citizenship, and facilitate the peer-learning of strategies to increase active citizenship in America. Exciting and informative Learning Summits are being convened in partnership with the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, the Franklin Project, and Points of Light. Through the discussion of successes, challenges, and opportunities, this year’s Conference will help participants carry a revitalized sense of purpose moving forward.

The Conference will serve as a platform to release research, facilitate discussion, support networking, spread information, and identify the best civic practices occurring nationwide. 


Imagining America: Artists & Scholars in Public Life
October 9-11, 2014 :: Atlanta, GA
“Organizing. Culture. Change”
The 2014 Imagining America conference, to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, October 9–11, is animated by three keywords: Organizing. Culture. Change. These keywords represent concentrations of energy and activity across higher education and within the IA consortium—contested terrains that demand critical discourse and analysis. We invite and challenge Imagining America consortium members, and their institutional and community partners, to sharpen our collective understanding of the nature and promise of organizing culture change; to provoke conversation and debate around the many meanings of these keywords; to explore the distinctive contributions that methodologies, concepts, theories, and knowledge from arts, humanities, and design fields make to the work of organizing culture change; and to illuminate how organizing culture change can transform higher education’s role in the work of democracy.


4th Annual Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference
October 15-17, 2014 :: Jacksonville, FL
“Moving Us Forward: Fifty Years On: From Civil Rights to Critical Engagement”
The mission of this conference is to advance institutional and community engagement for the public good. This year’s conference brings higher education stakeholders together to advance critical engagement while highlighting the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. Woven throughout institutes, workshops, poster sessions, panels, and keynote addresses, ERCC will honor those who have struggled for equity and recommit ourselves to promote critical engagement toward a more just and democratic society. 


2014 National Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation
October 17-19, 2014  ::  Washington, DC

“Democracy for the Next Generation”
The theme invites practitioners to build on all the innovative practices and tools that have been invigorating the dialogue and deliberation community in recent years. Now more than ever, it is imperative to bring this work to a much larger stage in order to build a stronger democracy that is able to address society’s most pressing challenges.


7th Annual Global Service-Learning Institute
November 5-7, 2014  ::  Skaneateles, NY

“Advancing Community Driven Global Service-Learning: Promising Practices”
The event will build upon established institute strengths in global service-learning pedagogy and program development, while also integrating more explicit attention to best practices in community-based planning, community development, and movement-building within global service-learning.



CSNAP Student Conference
November 7-8, 2014 :: Raleigh, NC
North Carolina Campus Compact’s CSNAP Conference is the largest annual conference in the Southeastern region of the United States developing college students to be effective leaders and participants in civic engagement. Each year the conference is hosted by a different institution of higher education in North Carolina.


2015 Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL) – Scholarship of Teaching and Engagement Conference
January 20–22, 2015  ::  Orem, UT

“Reaching the Summit: Explorations in Meaningful Learning Through Community”
The International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL) and Utah Valley University’s Office of Engaged Learning invite you to attend the 2015 International HETL – SoTE Conference, to be held in Orem, Utah, USA. The Scholarship of Teaching and Engagement (SoTE) is an annual conference hosted by Utah Valley University, an institution classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a Community-Engaged Institution. At the conference, you will have the opportunity to explore new developments in community engagement with colleagues from around the world.


NC Campus Compact’s 2015 Civic Engagement Institute
February 17, 2015 :: Elon, NC
“A Common Agenda, Collective Impact: Campus, Community, Impact”
Launched in 2007, this Institute is designed to thoroughly explore one civic engagement topic during a day-long gathering. Teams of faculty, staff and administrators, from NC Campus Compact member campuses, are invited to attend.


NC Campus Compact’s 2015 Pathways to Achieving Civic Engagement (PACE) Conference
February 18, 2015 :: Elon, NC
Faculty, staff and administrators are invited to attend this daylong conference that seeks to inform and advance the research and practice of community engagement by sharing research findings, innovative program design and partnership models, proven community/institutional impacts, effective curriculum or co-curricular models, institutional capacity building and institutionalization, and successful community engagement practices. 


2015 IMPACT Conference (Submission Deadline: December 1st, 2014)
February 19-22, 2015  ::  Los Angeles, CA
The IMPACT Conference is historically the largest annual conference focused on the civic engagement of college students in community service, service-learning, community-based research, advocacy and other forms of social action. Building on the rich 28-year tradition of the COOL Conference and the Idealist Campus Conference, IMPACT is the one time during the year when students, administrators, faculty, AmeriCorps members and VISTAs, and nonprofit professionals gather together to learn and share effective practices, improve personal skills and organizational strategies, discover opportunities and resources, exchange stories, be inspired and challenged to sustain our efforts.


Gulf-South Summit on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement (Submission Deadline: October 17, 2014)
March 11-13, 2015 :: Little Rock, AK
“Building Bridges between Education and Engagement”
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock invites you to attend the 2015 Gulf-South Summit in Little Rock, Arkansas. This year’s Summit is entitled “Building Bridges Between Education and Engagement” and will be held March 11-13, 2015. The mission of the Gulf-South Summit on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement through Higher Education is to promote networking among practitioners, research, ethical practices, reciprocal campus-community partnerships, sustainable programs, and a culture of engagement and public awareness through service-learning and other forms of civic engagement.


18th Annual Continuums of Service Conference (Submission Deadline: October 13, 2014)
April 8-10, 2015  ::  Long Beach, CA
“Seeking Solutions to Complex Challenges through Inquiry and Engagement”
The 2015 Annual Continuums of Service Conference brings together civic engagement and service-learning administrators, faculty, students, and community partners to focus on the critical processes of inquiry and engagement in shaping how higher education and communities identify and respond to the complexities of the 21st century. For example, we cannot find solutions to complicated issues such as poverty without also examining educational inequity, racism, and economic development. We cannot improve environmental sustainability without considering the economic challenges of businesses as well as local, state, national, and global policies. We cannot prepare students to be global leaders without building their civic and cross-cultural competencies. What role does or should higher education play in helping to recognize priorities, bring people together, and envision solutions?


National Service-Learning Conference (Submission Deadline: October 3, 2014)
April 9-11, 2015 :: Washington D.C.
“More Powerful Together”
More Powerful Together provides more than workshops and keynote addresses; it is an extension of the classroom, allowing for the youth and adult attendees to be part of something bigger. Both youth and adults gain the tools, resources, ideas, and inspiration to return home to improve their practice, their schools, and their communities. The conference’s multiple day, concurrent session format offers a self-directed, facilitated learning environment with education sessions, discussion groups, and interactive workshops designed specifically for all levels of attendees engaged in service, learning, and youth development, focusing on current and emerging issues, best practices, and the challenges facing us today.


American Democracy Project Annual Meeting
June 4-6, 2015  ::  New Orleans, LA
More information TBD!


*Thanks to North Carolina Campus Compact for maintaining a list of national conferences!

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